Promoting the well-being of all
Promoting the well-being of all
Through the development of its site, original campaigns and the adaptation of its way of working, Sibelga promotes the well-being of its teams.
An ever more welcoming workspace
In 2021, Sibelga’s lunch area changed its look and vocation. More than a place to eat over lunch, this space has become a place where employees can meet, change their working environment for a few hours or recharge their batteries.
Nicknamed “The Forest”, the 1016m2 space has been divided into several zones, each arranged in a different way. The use of natural materials, such as recycled wood, brings a warmer touch to the premises. A barista bar also allows employees to treat themselves to a coffee, smoothie or snack break.
“This south-facing space was only used for 2 hours a day. We wanted to redesign it so that staff members could enjoy it from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.,” comments Sébastien Delbary, Logistics Manager.
Sibelga technicians in the spotlight
From May 31 to June 4, 2021, Sibelga put its technicians in the spotlight through an original campaign: Technician Week.
In concrete terms, various initiatives have been organized to put employees in the field in the spotlight: an online wall of thanks where everyone could leave them a personal note (more than 200 thanks collected), a candy distribution tour on construction sites by cargo bike (228 km traveled), broadcasting of interviews with technicians in the local press and internally, via the company’s intranet, etc.
This campaign was also an opportunity for Sibelga to highlight technical professions to the general public and to inspire (future) technicians to apply to join its teams.
Well-being: a priority for Sibelga
In December 2020, Sibelga organized a survey to assess the well-being of its employees and identify the sources of dissatisfaction in order to be able to remedy them.
46% of staff members participated in this survey. Among the risks identified, we note perfectionism, the requirements related to the use of technology, difficulties in coping with difficult private events (illness, death of loved ones, etc.) or in eating healthy foods.
Based on these results, various targeted actions have been taken or will be taken in the coming months: training of managers on the management of absenteeism, provision of ergonomic office chairs for teleworking, yoga and meditation sessions for staff… These actions are also included in the Global Prevention Plan 2022-2026 which was prepared throughout 2021.
Telework is here to stay
As in all companies, the year 2021 at Sibelga was punctuated by the measures adopted in the context of the COVID-19 crisis. All staff members whose function allowed it were required to work remotely during periods of confinement.
Following this experience and noting that it did not affect the productivity of its teams, Sibelga reviewed its governance policy on teleworking in July 2021. It is now possible for employees who so wish and whose function allows them to work up to 2 full days of teleworking per week, with the agreement of their line manager.
In addition, a working document has been made available to managers and their teams. The goal is to help them establish clear rules for remote work.